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1 July 2001 Injury and Yield Effects on Crops Grown in CGA 152005-Treated Soil
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Abstract: The effect of CGA 152005 residues in the soil on six crops grown in rotation with field corn was investigated over a 2-yr period. CGA 152005 at 10, 15, 20, and 30 g ai/ha was applied postemergence (POST) to corn in 1994. CGA 152005 at 15 and 30 g ai/ha, atrazine at 1,000 g ai/ha, CGA 152005 at 15 g plus atrazine at 500 g ai/ha, and CGA 152005 at 30 g plus atrazine at 1,000 g ai/ha were applied POST to corn in 1995. Soybean, pea, cabbage, tomato, pepper, and potato were planted each spring, 1 yr after herbicide application. Cabbage exhibited injury and yield reductions that increased with increasing application rate, and pepper exhibited slight injury at the highest rate and yield reduction in 1995. Cabbage yields were reduced by CGA 152005 plus atrazine, and tomato yields were reduced by CGA 152005 and CGA 152005 plus atrazine in 1996. Yields of other crops were not affected in either year.

Nomenclature: CGA 152005 (proposed common name, prosulfuron), 1-(4-methoxy-6-methyl-triazin-2-yl)-3-[2-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-phenylsulfonyl]-urea; cabbage, Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.: corn, Zea mays L.; pea, Pisum sativum L.; pepper, Capsicum annuum L.; potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.; tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.

Additional index words: Crop injury, herbicide carryover, soil pH, soil temperature.

Abbreviations: OM, organic matter; POST, postemergence; SU, sulfonylurea.

JOHN O'SULLIVAN and ROBERT J. THOMAS "Injury and Yield Effects on Crops Grown in CGA 152005-Treated Soil," Weed Technology 15(3), 594-597, (1 July 2001).[0594:IAYEOC]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 July 2001
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